College Career Assessment

College Career Assessment

The purpose of this assessment is to provide you a really objective picture of yourself at this particular point in time in college before you are out in the "real world" We may be asking you to evaluate things you haven't thought of yet- and that's ok. It's better to have a clear picture of yourself and your career now than in 10 years from now. Trust us on that.
  • Choose one
  • Pick the items that are applicable
  • If you have not chosen a major pick undecided!
  • K = Thousand
  • K = Thousand
  • Choose one
  • Answer one
  • Answer one
  • Pick multiple NA for not applicable
    Pick what is applicable
    Pick multiple if applicable
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

“Protect the biggest asset you have, your career!”

Peter Kulturides

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