Ron Burton Training Village

“Me 3rd!” … God First, Others Second, Me Third

The Career Management Platform strongly believes in partnership with our community and helping to advance the lives of others. Our founder and CEO Peter Kulturides and President and Chief Learning Officer Anthony Roman are committed to helping others and sharing their passion to have people actualize their professional potential 

The Ron Burton Training Village Program is a reflection of the man who built it, lived it, and passed it on. Ron Burton Sr., had a dream to create a village where kids could come to train and attain personal growth. This year-round training program is strategically designed to develop and strengthen our youth, (spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically) so they are fully equipped to overcome challenges and excel in life.

Even as a number one NFL draft choice and the first ever draft pick of the New England Patriots, Ron, Sr., understood it was his faith, integrity, and hard work that helped him succeed even more than his physical training. For this reason, our program leans heavily on character, leadership, and academics.

CMP’s guidance works irrespective of profession, demographic, or stage in life. Our advanced Career Helm technology will give RBTV. members access to all of their career tools, outside expertise, and continuous support. We are ecstatic to be partnered with an amazing organization that impacts people’s lives every day! 

Ron Burton Training Village Website

Our Commitment to RBTV

The Career Management Platform is committed to the Ron Burton Training Village. To support this amazing program we are offering a 10% discount on licensing and The Career Management Platform will match that discount with a 10% donation to RBTV.


NOTE: The discount code above will work on the yearly or monthly membership plans. If you choose the 14-day free trial the 10% discount will be applied to the monthly recurring payment for the 12 months period. 

"Protect the biggest asset you have, your career!"

Peter Kulturides

Charter Career Consulting LLC.DBA The Career Management Platform All Rights Reserved 2020

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